Hi everyone,
It seems so strange to be not worrying about Lesley work. I agree, DebE - why do I not feel less busy? I have managed to read my book club book way in advance so that's been a nice change, but other than that I don't know what's consumed my time.
I have been thrilled to see the pictures that you guys have sent along from last weekend. I was so bummed to get there only to realize that once again I forgot the video and still cameras. Story of my life.
Looking forward to seeing you guys here on April 12th. Don't have specifics yet, but will get on that shortly and send emails out. I'm thinking along the lines of a pot luckish thing - I'll let you know.
Hope you guys all have a very restful spring vacation. It'll be different won't it - not worrying about a project? I'm heading down (as we've done the last 9 years) to my folks' house in L.V. The boys have a blast just swimming, hanging out with Nana and Papa and eating out. Don and I enjoy the lessened responsibility of taking care of the kids that always comes when we are at my parents' house down south. They sort of take over so we're able to take long walks, have a date night on the strip, play family games, watch some baseball, and just relax.
See you all on the 12th I hope.
ps - I am feeling good about figuring out how to get onto this blog and "communicate".