Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer Fun!

Greetings!  Kelli, Leo, and I just returned from a wonderful weekend of camping at Silver Creek Falls.  Jennifer, your Roth's grocery store was deluxe and provided much needed ice cream relief from the heat on Saturday!  Leo is as tired tonight as when he comes home on a day care day.  

We are wondering what is happening regarding the next cohort gathering.  Who, what, when. where; you know, all the details.  I hope everyone has been enjoying their first couple weeks off from school.  Kelli is busy with summer school and I busy with the teen volunteer program in Tualatin again.  For now, get busy living!


Margie said...

Kind family,
We just got back from 10 days in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. Lots of fun, but so happy to be home! Traveling makes you appreciate where home is. : )
I have Toni down for the next get together. The beach sounds good to me!

Margie said...

Although you are a kind family, I did mean to address my post to the "King" family! New to this blog stuff... : )